Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Coward and Stupid is as Coward and Stupid does. Sorry Beaver Prick, but this is my world stay out of it.

So was into this afternoons show on Spreaker.com and who should raise his fugdugly mug but good onery Beaver Dick. Calling me chicken. Really, I told you in how many posts the Wolf-Pack's camp trip wasn't until this weekend. Guess you have to pitty the fool. Then he started bellering like a moose cow looking for its calf. I mean really dude, it was him saying I ain't this and the club is a fluke and so on. So let me clue him and ya'll in. I have gave this nation 28 damn years of my life, mainly flying, okay sure can't fly at this minute but its not because of my weight although that's a contributor, but its this damn diabetes. Doc here gave me a green light, and just waiting on a waiver from the FAA and then I'm back in my birds. Then he was barking about the radio gig saying something along the line of it just being an old mixer. Really?
Does this look like JUST an old mixer?

  Looks like a helluva lot more than just an old mixer to me. Now he'll come back in a few days saying something along the lines like prove its yours so here I am sitting in front of it all
 Talk about just telling partial truths. So then grabbed some dinner, and catching some zz's. I really hate it when people only tell things or say things that they just barely know anything about. Or maybe just a smidge . If I'm such a coward Mr. BD, why is it You wont come to Evanston to have a pow-wow? Any mile don't make no difference, since I blocked the bastard from the Spreaker.com outlet for the show.
So rolled out to the shop, LexiBelle fired like it was childs play, LiL Lexi was dead again., Guess need to buy a new battery, and an isolator so I can run two batteries. 
So old Beaver D, here's advice, don't let your keyboard overload your jaybird ass. 
Here's some LexiBelle art, 
 Now to finalize here. Beaver D, says that good old LexiBelle hasn't towed anything for a few years, yep since 2012, when some scallywags from Burley Idaho, just had to help themselves to my J hooks and Chains. plus my tag lights. Sure they're not that expensive just $200.00 a piece plus the drive to Salt Lake City to get em, plus my tag lights are roughly $100.00 plus the go fluid to again haul down to SLC to buy that. Sure I could get em at AW Direct, but I don't like buying online from anybody, plus I dig Rick and the crew at Rocky Mountain Wrecker Sales, they know me, I know them, and were there at the birth of LexiBelle, in the fall of 1974. Thing is inch by inch the light is at the end of the tunnel. See you in the morning on the Livestream show, and at noon on the Spreaker.com version at 13:00

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